What is Syntropy and why does it matter?
Syn — to add , a plus
Tropic — from tropos — the manner , the way , the attitude
Etymologically, a plus manner and attitude that builds upon itself.
The more you love, the more love.
The more you treat others with respect, the more respect.
The more you build ecologies of trust, agency and community, with clear boundaries and agreements, the more trust, agency and community are created.
The more you honour and respect and do not exploit the more you build honour and respect.
The more you care for all of the precessional effects — the side effects and externalities of all you do — the more a world with a future is created.
The more you refuse to play a finite win-lose game, the more you play a long game, the more chance of a long game.
Syntropic — towards an eternally regenerative Universe.
Leaving everything better.
Why does it matter? And why now?
Against the tsunami of entropic enterprises and selfish, shallow people, Syntropy is a counterforce.
Photo Taken March 22nd, 2019, Article written January 18th, 2025.
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