What is enough?

What is enough money?

What is enough power?

What is enough love?

What is enough happiness?

What is enough genuine connection with others?

What is enough choice?

What is enough integrity?

What is enough knowledge?

What is enough wisdom?

There are some places where we must know the point of enough. As individuals, as communities, as businesses. Enough money, enough power, enough extraction. Enough growth in capital.

There are other places — like love, happiness, wisdom, knowledge — where the pool of enough is infinite without doing harm. Laughter begets laughter. Love begets love. We are all richer for it.

And there are places where things should never be considered as even beginning, like any form of exploitation, violation of the commons, and slavery.

Photo taken August 3rd 2022

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#humancoordination #emergentstrategy #daretocare



Christine McDougall

Committed to supporting those in business who strive to leave the world better. syntropic.world