To remain young as we age is a choice
Life is participation, engagement, learning, dynamic. Integral engagement — physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, community, cultural.
Age often makes people more stubborn. More selfish. Wilful helplessness, rather than actually needing help.
It takes work to stay vital with life. With youth, with technology, with the insistence of gravity that our body moves closer to earth even as we are still walking around. To ensure our physical body is healthy, moving, fed nutritious food, not carrying the burden of gluttony.
It takes work to be surrounded with people who will not let us sink into some delusional place, lost in our own dreamy world.
It takes work to break entrenched habits and traditions. Like reading the same newspaper for decades, unaware that it has become one of the most efficient tabloids of propaganda.
It takes work to build in diversity, to constantly challenge our own assumptions, our own rigid thinking.
If we surround ourselves with people our own age, then we will lose our capacity to know novelty and innovation.
Age is a given. How we choose to engage with it is always a choice.
Photo taken December 20th 2020
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