Things we can be free from

We can be free from all fear of scarcity, isolation, loneliness.

We can be free from worry about what others think of us.

We can be free from the belief that we do not have enough time.

We can be free from the belief that others can control our emotions, that others can make us angry, unhappy, frustrated or pressured.

Learning to master our inner reptile, the fight/flight element of our survival reflex, is a key to our freedom.

We might be confined by so many exterior elements, many beyond our control, like the weather, our birth lottery, geopolitics, economic tides…yet we always have the most significant choice that no other can take from us.

Our freedom to choose how we respond.

Photo taken March 4th 2018

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#humancoordination #emergentstrategy



Christine McDougall

Committed to supporting those in business who strive to leave the world better.