The Cosmology of a Syntropic World. Do we choose syntropy over entropy in all we do?

Christine McDougall
7 min readSep 20, 2022


Cosmology is to tell the story of the Universe, and in this case, the Universe as a Syntropic Universe.

Buckminster Fuller demonstrated mathematically that we indeed live in a Syntropic Universe — one approaching a higher order for eternal regeneration. This demonstration by Bucky contrasts the current view of entropy, that our Universe is disintegrating.

#1 We are part of the Universe.

The Universe has laws — an operating system. These Laws are in pure Principle, and Fuller would say, true in all cases. The Laws form the background of our existence, often without us noticing. Take Gravity, for example. Gravity is a 24/7 everywhere all the time Law. I may not like it, but Gravity is dragging my face down the longer I walk the Earth.

Yet we humans do not consider that Gravity, everywhere, always, is also working in our businesses and relationships and the way we coordinate people.

We do not ask how we deliberately apply the Law of Gravity to business, enterprise, value or exchange to ensure all-life thriving.

The Law of Relationship is about the balance of differences. We might like to think that the Law of Relationship is about same same. Yet even if we seek to have our world filled with same same this denies the truth of the Law of Individual Uniqueness. No two snowflakes are the same, no two humans, no two anythings.

There is a harmonic to a dynamic, vital relationship. It might be said that relationships vibrate in song. Is the song on key or off key?

Laws we work with in Syntropic World include the Law of Synergy, Precession, Unity is Plural at Minimum Two, Interference (how we see), 12 Degrees of Freedom (how to stabilise any system), Minimum system in Universe, Leverage, Pattern Integrity.

When we apply one Law with deliberate intention, we begin to apply them all.

The question we at Syntropic World are continually asking and iterating is how we apply these Laws to 100% of everything in human affairs.

#2. Nature takes her rocks and mountains apart.

Nature is constantly transforming. There is no fixed state or equilibrium. Movement and change are signs of life, not things that happen to life.

Nature also has her own gestation rate. A time to hold, a time to stay quiet and in the dark, a time to birth, a time to die. Yet, we humans have attempted to impose our timelines on Nature, including the Nature of Business and enterprise. This imposition is another expression of humans as separate from and dominant to Nature.

Change has nuance

(i) We have resistant change — a significant investment in defending the status quo. This is a fool’s game — whether that change is your personal change, or change within a company, economy or government.

Maintaining the status quo is, by the nature of change, ensuring redundancy. It has neglected to account for the lag time of change.

Our desire to keep things as they are is the fastest way we can age. A desire to regress, to go back to some mythical previous time, is as impossible as seeking to step into the same river twice.

(ii) We have incremental change. Nature changing the mountains is incremental change. Slow, steady — tick tock.

I love incremental change. I know that repeating a habit that takes 10 minutes a day — like stretching, writing, or meditating — changes us.

Incremental change over the very long arc of time becomes transformative.

(iii) Transformative change — where the energy, Pattern, being, emotion, idea, design, structure or system on the other side of the change looks nothing like what came before.

To embrace change, to practice being a stable human even within transformative change, and design an enterprise that thrives in transformative change, is to partner with the Laws of Nature. Design for change. Love emergence. Thrive on the edge of the edge of emergence. Lead from emergence.

It is at the threshold of emergence that we find the most dynamic aliveness.

#3. All organs within a healthy organism work together as agents within a community.

No one organ or cell is too agentic nor too undifferentiated.

We could ask, what part of our body is the most essential?

We know that a forest requires the whole to work. If we remove the ‘weeds’, plant the forest in neat rows, and remove the insects — the forest will fail to thrive.

There is also a boundary to every healthy system. Often this boundary is a membrane, not a hard wall. The boundary itself is alive and changing, adapting to change.

A cell membrane allows certain elements to flow in and out while also preventing some elements from leaving and others from entering.

Humans build rigid fixed walls, be they literal walls, or rules as walls. The moment we do this, we are in an entropic state. Hard, fixed and unchanging is death.

Boundaries need to be alive. They need to breathe, move, and adapt.

Create the right boundary for a context, ecology or life, and the life inside the boundary will thrive.

If the life, or lives inside the boundary are not thriving, then we might attend to the boundary as the priority, rather than try to ‘fix’ the people inside.

Our default is to fix people. To seek to change them. (Another fool’s game.) Instead, we might invest in creating better boundaries and more beautiful contexts and ecologies.

You have probably experienced this — how you come alive in certain places or conditions? Take a struggling child from a context of oppression and shame and place them in a context of love and discovery, and we develop children who grow to be healthy adults.

Too often we focus on trying to fix the person.

The deep and forever recognition that all life has intrinsic worth and value, that every human born has the ability to express themselves in their wholeness in the right environment, would be a transformative change in how we coordinate humans and build and design enterprises.

This also requires the opportunity for difference, not same same. A healthy culture has complementarity built in by design. The questions then become, how do we work together elegantly with our differences?

How do we design cultures and enterprises where Synergy is standard — where we truly demonstrate that we are better together?

#4. An atom doesn’t exist without the electromagnetic field.

We can conceptually isolate the atom but cannot isolate it from the electromagnetic field.

To put this statement in pop culture language — the Hero Myth is dead. There is no singular. No one saviour. No acts taken by anyone anywhere in isolation.

We do not have to figure anything out by ourselves. Indeed, to attempt to do so is to deny the Law of Synergy, Relationship, Leverage, Interference, Precession — perhaps all of the Laws. To say we do anything on our own reinforces our story of separation and dominance over Nature.

Everything happens in relationship. There is no singularity that is not death or non-existence. Oneness can only occur with twoness. Anytime we attempt to design or create monopoly, we are entropic.

To design enterprises knowing that we are 100% interdependent on everything is transformative change.

#5. To stabilise any system requires 12 Degrees of Freedom

Mathematically and geometrically, there is a twelveness to Universe. Six inputs and six outputs. Six positive and six negative. Six forces and six responses.

When we think about human coordination, we might consider teams of 12. Once teams have surpassed 12, we might multiply by division.

To consider value and exchange, we might consider six domains of input and six domains of output, where currency is only one-sixth of the input and one-sixth of the output. This is the Principle we apply to Synergistic Accounting, one of the foundational tools of a Syntropic Enterprise.

The minimum system in Universe is tetrahedral and has four elements and six relationships. Any system must have an inside and an outside.

When we begin to understand Nature’s Laws and apply them to everything, we are indeed creating a Syntropic World.

#6. We live in a fractal Universe. How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale.

The Patterns of Universe repeat at scale.

To start, we recognise that there are Patterns and shapes that are fundamental to Universe. When we design anything, if, once it has been designed, it is not beautiful — however beauty occurs to us — then we have a design flaw. Nature’s patterns are beautiful.

What we practice at the small scale reverberates at the large scale. (The Principle/Law of Precession) Spirals of sea shells and spirals of galaxies.

To live as the world we aspire to create is to inspire that Universe into existence. This statement should not encourage the Heroic Ego quest. It is simply the way Universe works. It is Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “be the change.”

Similarly, when we build enterprises, any form of human coordination, when we design currencies and accounting, encode human and Earth Laws, create systems of governance and government or create new language, tools and artefacts, we can choose to design, create and build them using the eternal Patterns of Universe, Nature’s Laws, and be Syntropic, or continue to impose our own arrogant belief that we are superior to Nature and know better, and design ones that we like, that serve our own, often very short term purpose, and in so doing move towards entropy.

We get to choose, every day.

But first, we must see the system we are often unconsciously inhabiting.

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Syntropic World is a global education and community of practice applying the organising principles of nature to enterprise design and human coordination. Creating ecologies of trust, ensuring integrity in everything, enabling collective sense making, and organising around a central purpose — how to create a world that works for 100% of humanity without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.

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Christine McDougall
Christine McDougall

Written by Christine McDougall

Committed to supporting those in business who strive to leave the world better.

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