Syntropic Health = Syntropic Life
Yesterday on our Syntropic Blue Community call we had a conversation centred on the question of Syntropic Health? What is it? If we began with a blank sheet of paper and re-designed health and care, what would we do?
It was a rich discussion.
It became apparent that Syntropic health and vitality exist within a world where poverty, war and environmental degradation and stress do not exist. In other words, the health of individuals is the health of the whole.
This is an issue I have had with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. While the intent behind them is wonderful, and what they have named and exposed is worth recognising, to solve for poverty cannot be done without solving all of the other goals. It is a whole system change or naught.
We have been trying to feed the starving for as long as I have been alive. Finally seeing this, that to feed the hungry without addressing the underlying systems that created it in the first place, is the equivalent of re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and hoping that will stop the boat from sinking.
We must build a new boat — one that probably doesn’t look like any boat we have seen before. One that increases the well-being of Earth and all her creatures.
Photo taken July 7th 2022
*We certainly need to keep up food aid to the hungry and all the other services that support those oppressed by our systems. But long term solutions — are the ones I am focused on.
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