Questions Syntropic World asks continually. With answers

Christine McDougall
6 min readDec 14, 2022


Central questions I continue to ask are:

How might we support rich experiences for people seeking to create a Syntropic Enterprise? And how do we scale intimacy, an essential element of Syntropic World?

One of our core principles, the principle of Synergy, is to start with the whole first.

But what is the whole? How far do we go? Bucky Fuller would say start with Universe first.

How do we make sense of data, hard and warm? How do we be sure we are not applying our own bias to the data we are reading, gathering and using?

**Syntropic World Answer — at the least, have a Tensegrity Team team to challenge it. (Like a RED team in software development)

How can we build into the architecture a way to be good, ethical stewards of power if and when power might be our remit? The time to do this is well before power is available.

**Syntropic World Answer — Create an Integrity Council from Day #1

How do we design large systems that show new ways of doing and being?

**Syntropic World Answer — Start with a fractal of the more extensive system. Build the model. Argue with the model.

For example, Can we create such a level of transparency that all our currency flows are on an incorruptible, transparent ledger accessible to all member participants?

**Syntropic World Answer — Yes!

Can we demonstrate at the scale we are operating that any company or government can have an incorruptible ledger of public or private funds and their use? How do we enable member participants to have their say in the flow of currencies?

**Syntropic World Answer — use tools such as Loomio and Synergistic Accounting.

How do we create technology to support our Synergistic Accounting tool, where value inputs are honoured in at least six domains, and value outputs are experienced in at least the same six domains? A dashboard-type experience that enables a living visual map of the integral value in the ecosystem in multiple domains, including what is in abundance and what is missing and how we might leverage this value in surprising ways.

**Syntropic World Answer — we are in the process of creating this now — our first major meeting with the team and CTO will be in early February 2023

How do we support the deployment of an enterprise’s Trust Manifesto equivalent? (Download the Syntropic World Trust Manifesto here. The Trust Manifesto is a template for designing the threshold-crossing experience for people to become a part of your enterprise.) The Trust Manifesto is a tool that enables people to make informed symmetrical choices as to whether they want to be active participants in co-creating the purpose your enterprise holds. Syntropic World has various Trust Manifesto templates, including the “Lite” version.

Will it be possible for a Syntropic Community to co-create a Universal Syntropic Income? A base income that enables members to focus on their intrinsic motivation and skills, unencumbered by their need to ‘earn-a-living?’

How do we create the mechanism to enable our development as individuals and the collective through living Syntropy as we move towards our Evolutionary Purpose?

**Syntropic World Answer — self and collective development is woven into the architecture of a Syntropic Enterprise. We grow as we bring our purpose and idea to life.

How do we collectively make better sense of the noise of competing ideas, mindsets and worldviews, now generated by one of the greatest propaganda and manipulation technologies ever experienced?

And how do we use, with frequency, Tensegrity Teams to challenge and question every single angle of an idea through its various stages from idea to form, so we can be as sure as possible that our work is not creating dangerous effects in an area that we did not expect and had not accounted for?

Finally, how can Syntropic World, and I as its steward be the model of what is possible?

How do we demonstrate, at every turn, the same story we are telling, teaching, and speaking alive?

Can we lead profound change in some of our most entrenched systems?

I often think of Bucky Fuller’s quote. Don’t try to change the current system. Instead, build new models that make the existing systems obsolete. And then argue with the model.

Show versus tell.

Demonstrate what is possible in any enterprise, organisation, or government by building a working model, and duplicating various forms of it one thousand, one million times.

Use the technology we have and are developing to serve the better angels of our nature. To find ways to co-ordinate people to live within their rights and responsibilities for a world with a future.

I see the future where the basics of existence are taken care of as a part of our Common Wealth. Not one set for the haves and one set for the have-nots. One set for humanity.

Child care. Aged care. Education. Health care. Housing.

Not socialism, but advanced civilisation.

  • Where we are taught to be active participants in the governance of our community. Where technology is used to put all public money and value into the incorruptible transplant ledger. No more bloated contracts. Not more corrupt politicians and business leaders. An educated public able to participate on digital platforms in issues-based voting. All of us are responsible citizens of our one home planet.
  • The uncoupling of the incentives to addiction, corruption, and power asymmetries.
  • The coupling of incentives to long-term healthy futures for all people.

I am idealistic, but not a lunatic. If this is not the world I am spending my days moving towards, then I have no desire to be here. Indeed, to stay on our current course is lunacy.

I believe in my bones that all of this is possible. Those in power will fight with every weapon they know, including the ones that destroy lives now, like narrative warfare, the presentation of data and statistics in ways that seduce and spell cast.

We need to be prepared for that. For the slaughterhouse of words, threats, public shaming, and data manipulation.

The foundations of your enterprise need to be able to endure all of this and yet so many people step over this fundamental part. Build instead an enterprise as you would a cathedral, able to endure everything for at least one thousand years. Create a field for possibility unseen in this moment. Shapeshift as the world moves. Serve our purpose and never be addicted or attached to a particular form or expression of our idea.

It has been a tough road for me to arrive at this moment in time. Like a child blindfolded in a very dark labyrinth, for years, every step often seemed without any sense of destination, often without respite from difficulty. Only now, in hindsight, can I see that I needed every one of those enduring moments, the lived crucible that burned away anything of no use while refining everything precious.

Mistakes will be inevitable. In the last 24 hours, I have made two significant ones. Mistakes are fertile soil for learning.

We can lead the change our world needs. Of this, I am certain.

We need to rethink everything. To challenge every sacred cow. To know our biases, our weakness, and the lesser angels of our nature and create an ecology that keeps these elements under supervision.

To ask, unashamedly, how we might do these things. To consider the whole, the effects of our actions into the next century.

Never alone. Together. Synergistically.

All of these questions circulate, waking me, nudging me, persistent. Of course, I do not have all the answers, and I certainly do not have perfect solutions, yet I know the power of the questions we ask.

Until answered and lived, they remain animating forces of my existence.



Christine McDougall
Christine McDougall

Written by Christine McDougall

Committed to supporting those in business who strive to leave the world better.

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