New Leadership
Leadership needed today is not just a set of skills and experience. It is not a role.
Leadership is the ability to hold the space for complex inter-relationships between people, cultures, communities, businesses, nation states, economic actors, politics and the future.
Rather than be a place of domination, it is a way of partnering, of bringing together while holding clear boundaries.
If leadership is grounded in integrity, respect, empathy and comprehensive consideration, then the leader enables the people they serve to be their better best.
Easy is it to be confused by leadership that relies on costume, posture, and media BS or suppression.
A leader who holds the space for a more dignified future for the people they serve, rather than focus on short term power grabs, will galvanise people and citizens over time.
So often, because of their lack of interest in flamboyance or spin, and our addiction to celebrity culture, we underestimate this type of leadership.
Until we get tired of the vacuous leadership style and seek substance and humanity.
The time of the charismatic leader absent any genuine humanity and capacity to work with complex inter-relationships is done.
In Syntropic World we talk of new leadership as Stewardship.
May Stewardship rise as leadership for a world with a future.
Photo taken May 24th 2022
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