Integrity — a case study

Christine McDougall
2 min readJul 25, 2024


Let’s say you are a cryptocurrency tech bro, keen on untethering from national currencies, able to ride the tide of the wild, wild west of unregulated get-rich schemes.

The freedom from any form of authority, except, of course, your own as a tech lord — the one who writes the rules of the game.

Also called the sovereign citizen’s movement. Libertarianism. It is the equivalent of “No one tells me what to do!”

Which is fine when you live on an island with no one else. But as soon as we add others, we now have to balance more than one “no one tells me what to do.” Who is the supreme decider? And how is the decision made?

Ah..the tricky complexity of humans working together, collaborating.

It is soon time to vote for your nation’s next leader. One choice is a pedophile, rapist, convicted felon, gaslighter and liar. The other stands for rights for all, body autonomy for women, equal access to health care and other socially just services.

The liar has promised more unregulated opportunities for the crypto wild west. For this reason, and others, he is funded by the crypto tech bros.

What does integrity do? Is the price of accepting a man who would look and act lasciviously at your teenage daughter acceptable to you so you can gain your desires of unregulated crypto?

Exactly what is the price you are willing to pay? And what is the cost to your Soul?

How do you excuse these choices? Gloss them over. The end goal is worth it? Really?

These compromises are exactly the ones that history shows, again and again, lead to evil.

As Hannah Arendt observed Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, she saw a man who didn’t believe he had done anything wrong. He had excuses and justifications for the wilful murder of over 6 million people. Hence, the banality of evil.

We watch history repeat. Which side of history are you on?

Photo Taken July 24th 2024

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Christine McDougall

Committed to supporting those in business who strive to leave the world better.