I am digging deep for hope
This first day of January 2024 has storms, rain and lightning — all night long. Fireworks on the beach unable to compete with fireworks from the heavens.
This morning I was caught on the beach in a downpour. Happily drenched.
I am not one for prophecy, reading signs and superstition. I do know Nature has always held the upper hand, and the hubris of humanity is crippled in her embrace. We do not seem to learn. I wonder just how broken we need to be to heed her.
Today I enter the seventh year of writing Beauty of Beginnings. On January 1st 2018, I was sitting at my coffee shop and the completely random thought arrived to begin. So I did.
I think about humanity. My partner and I watched Oppenheimer on the last day of 2023. A brilliant movie — technically, creatively and for the performances. The story as much a prophecy today as the history it depicts.
*Humanity creating tools with power far beyond the wisdom of those who have access and control of them.
*The multi-polar trap of needing to keep the arms race on to protect against rogue states.
*The corruption within governments and the people with public power, driven by the corporate/money lobby, so intertwined they have become indistinguishable.
*The quote — Amateurs seek the sun. Get eaten. Power stays in the shadows.
*The cruel exploitation of one for the advancement of another.
I am glad we waited to watch Oppenheimer until we had been to Hiroshima. It made the experience more personal. My day in Hiroshima changed me.
I turn on the news, something I rarely do, and watch the horror being played out.
I see a woman in one of the many places on the planet where war, military rule, autocracy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, climate change and poverty are normalised. Her needs are simple.
When will we place our simple desire for a home, food to eat, the ability to walk safely here and there, to sustain and educate our children, to have brightness of the future as central to our decisions at every level of power? Not just for me, but for all humans? How do we consider some groups of people less than? Or even, not worthy of life/living/existing?
As I write, my local council sends out a message warning of dangerous storms and flooding — the advice to stay home.
I am digging deep for hope.
When hope is lost, we are lost.
The thread I grasp is that we cannot look to the ivory towers of power to lead change.
It will come from the grassroots. We must see, as clearly as possible, that dominating power seeks to keep us conquered by keeping us divided. They do this literally — by dividing up people — and by propagating false dramas and conspiracy theories that distract from the game being played. I cannot find a government corporatocracy on the planet who does not play this game.
The greatest strength we the people have is to coordinate, collaborate and put aside the petty differences as we hold the intention of a world that works for 100% of humanity, without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.
As I write, I remember again the power of the tools we have in Syntropic World. Their purpose is elegant human coordination. They are about relational design and integrity.
It is easy for me to discount the value of them. Yet in my January 1st 2024 reflections, I realise that human grassroots coordination is where the greatest hope is.
I had forgotten.
Back to the fray, a measure of hope restored.
Photo Taken January 1st 2024
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