How Syntropic Entrepreneurs will create a world with a future

Christine McDougall
3 min readAug 30, 2019


The ouroboros is an archetype of the snake that eats its tail and as such, eats itself.

This is the nature of an entropic enterprise. One that extracts until extinction, eats all the leaves and in so doing creates starvation for everyone, colonises every territory until they too are colonised, uses predatory finance for personal gain, creating people who are enslaved to them, yet ultimately unable to pay their debts.

A Syntropic enterprise starts with the whole, understands that they must think seven or more generations ahead, considers the all-in-accounting costs in every domain, and knows that there is a precessional effect to everything, a field effect whose consequences must be considered from day one.

We are taught a way of doing business that exists in a world of models that by their nature are entropic. Our global economic system is designed on endless growth, entirely impossible on a finite planet. Our finance system is designed in scarcity and requires accumulation and hoarding to accrete value. Our education system takes the infinite creativity of a child and attempts to turn it into well behaved human-as-compliancy machines. Our ‘health care’ system is really sickness care that profits from sickness rather than health and vitality. Our political system has become the public face of corporatism. Our legal and corporate governance system has hardly changed in hundreds of years and protects those with power, money and knowledge from being held to account, while continuing the game of accumulation and extraction at all costs, including the cost of the Earth.

Capitalism tries to commodify everything, including our human interiors through social media data capture, and in so doing has reduced the multiple domains of value into a single unit of measure. The dollar. In so doing it insults the sacredness of life, the value of experience and the skills and values of humans that are not so easily enclosed. Kindness perhaps, or care?

The time has come for new models and new maps. We are not going to replace capitalism with socialism or any other old ‘ism.’ It is time to create a new model that transcends and includes the best of what capitalism has given the world.

It is a time of extra-ordinary opportunity for the Syntropic Entrepreneur as we turn 90 degrees from the business-as-usual models and design new ones that enable all Earth thriving.

To do so we must challenge every assumption, ask much better questions, and be prepared to be the pioneers of enterprise design and systems change.

Perhaps instead of thinking that we humans have dominion over Earth and nature, we might begin by restoring nature and Earth to the status of the original Cathedral she is. We might also consider the laws that govern Universe, and consider that by applying these same laws to how we design and build enterprise and enable human co-ordination we might be tapping into wisdom forged over billions of years.

There will be no more re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic, or placing bids for the deck chairs with the best views. Instead we might build new boats that make the old obsolete.

And when they are built, invite others to argue with the model, rather than speak to the designer as crazy.

This is a Syntropic world. (Syntropy and entropy are polar opposites but until now we are dominated by entropic models.) The sun provides us with 800x more energy every day than anyone could ever use. Energy is not scarce. Human ingenuity untangled from a system that denies almost free energy as being of value because we cannot profit from it has the capacity and capability to co-create a world that works for Earth and all of her creatures.

The foundations need to be re-written. We cannot put a pretty dress on a toad and expect anything else but a toad to be present. To think we can is to continue to live in the illusion that our models work but need incremental change. They do not. We need to design new models that make the existing obsolete.

It is towards this endeavour of Syntropic Enterprise as ubiquitous that I am dedicating this next stage of my life, and probably the rest of my life.

Let’s be the change we want to see.



Christine McDougall
Christine McDougall

Written by Christine McDougall

Committed to supporting those in business who strive to leave the world better.

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