How do you get a turkey to vote for Christmas?
You start a culture war and have people vote against their own interest by stoking fear of the minority ‘other’ stealing their job, house, toilet privacy or opportunity.
With the great magician’s sleight of hand, as the crowds get feverish with anger and indignation over the loss of their ‘rights’ to this shadow minority, more tax cuts for the rich, more corruption, jobs for mates, sign off on the next big coal mine, laws to ensure deeper entrenched rights for the wealthy, are introduced.
It works for a while. The winner-takes-all gets bloated CEO salaries and speaks lies as truth without being held to account. Monopolies get more powerful. Governments needing their corporate sponsors become mere puppets of the oligarchs.
But when we starve the turkey, voting for Christmas is no longer a vision. How I feed my kid today becomes the loudest conversation being had.
My question is, if we the people are caught in the web of the culture wars, if we feed and water the spin on the spin of the master spell casters, are we willing to accept our complicity and take responsibility?
My sense is in part. This is to become aware of the game that is being played.
Not by some collective cartel. But by the entrenched system of capitalism, that feeds rampant greed.
Most people have no idea of the game that is being played, and for this, we need to examine our education and sense-making abilities. The need for an increased multi-perspectival consciousness is urgent.
Held in the container of new models, maps, mindsets and language that enable people and Earth to approach Syntropic Prosperity.
Photo Taken July 15th 2023
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