I was thinking about fragility this morning in the surf.
My own.
Almost every human I have met has fragility corners.
Often, in the most unexpected places, for our defence mechanism is a projection of the opposite.
I am physically strong, and can be intimidating to many.
Yet, my fragility is what makes me human. I know the sting.
I am an excellent mediator and can stand in the face of conflict between people, without losing my centre. This is to be objective.
But when someone attacks me from left field, I do feel the sting. This is the subjective. Direct attack. Ouch. My fragility is revealed.
This is what I was contemplating. This wound.
In Syntropic I teach about cleaning up charges. The icky feelings that happen when our field of being is charged by an incident, another, words, an experience.
Often, it takes me too long to pull my power back when I am attacked. I relinquish my power by allowing the verbal attacker to occupy my interior spaces, my thinking, my emotions, for much longer than I would like. In so doing, they hold the power, even if they do not know it.
I need to practice what animals do. Shake it off. Physically.
At the same time, there is something to be learned from a lingering charge.
What is it teaching me? Where is my power? Why have I given it away?
This is the work of maturity. It never stops. Yet the benefits are worth the commitment. We get to be in our power much more, rarely hijacked by the immature triggers of an unresolved emotional landscape.
There is freedom to be found there. The only true freedom.
Our freedom to choose how we respond to everything.
Photo Taken December 21st, 2023, Article written January 13th, 2025.
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