Everybody or nobody
“We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.” R.Buckminster Fuller
With every day this statement gets harder to argue. A virus infects the world. AI and algorithms turn sense into mush, creating runaway conspiracy theories and lunatics running asylums called government. Global corporations defy any border and do what they will, including skipping from jurisdiction to jurisdiction to avoid any form of contribution as tax, and any form of penalty for consequence of exploitation and extraction. Supply chain dependencies break down communities. Our waste and rubbish cannot find a home in someone else’s back yard without contamination. Our addiction to fossils as energy is costing us all.
The old school makes the borders stronger. America First! Lost in some dinosauric theory that we are islands of nations separate from our Spaceship Earth. As if the liver of your body can exist on its own.
The weapon of propaganda is a proven one. Fear. Scarcity. Division. To keep conquered keep divided.
If we want a world with a future, we humans committed to a Syntropic World need to recognise when the fear and scarcity kick in. To choose instead to turn 90 degrees and face the horizon we know offers possibility and wellbeing to earth and all her creatures.
One Spaceship Earth, common humanity. Everybody or nobody.
Photo taken February 4th 2021
#worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #syntropicworld #syntropicenterprise #syntropy