Can be vast. For too long we have ignored it, or not given it the same rights as intractable physical pain.
Those in emotional pain often find it easier to cause pain to others than to feel their own pain fully.
Anything that is not love is a cry for help…(A Course in Miracles)…worth remembering when someone you love, or anyone…strikes out at you, targeting the soft unreconciled places.
Behind the strike…what are they really trying to say?
Perhaps… I am broken, terrified..the ocean of my pain is so big, so overwhelming I cannot begin to unravel it in case I drown in the process…
If we strike back in response to the first strike, easy to do, then the pain builds upon the pain.
For it to stop, for us to heal, one person, one side, needs to pause, step into compassion, hold the space for the full colours of humanities collective suffering, and know that this too will change with time.
Is this easy to do? No…it is hard…harder than hard. It requires relinquishing our need for righteousness.
But worth it…
We might begin with stepping back and holding a compassionate place for our own pain.