Clean Communication
Is having tough conversations with empathy and care.
Is living free of charged emotions from people, about people.
It enables us to show up with others open, receptive..unburdened of expectation, projection, anger, frustration.
Clean communication takes commitment. Practise. The willingness to be vulnerable. A want to tread lightly on the Earth, without the baggage of the unsaid, unasked, unspoken. To clean the past and not carry it into the future.
If you are terrified of having a conversation, it means starting with that. “I am terrified of having this conversation with you. I am worried that you might interpret my words differently than I mean them, that they might land with you and cause pain or confusion….”
It means returning to a conversation that has clouded your heart or mind. “What did you mean by that?”
It means choosing first to understand the other. To listen till your story, your wants, your needs, disappear into the listening to the other. To listen until you no longer exist.
To choose Clean Communication as a way of being is to choose a life uncontaminated by drama, parasitic conversations, gossip, and the small petty triumphs that come when we stab another in the back with words, usually behind their back. (For to speak nasty to someones face requires courage or indifference that most of us do not have.)
A life build around Clean Communication is a life lived in the present. Fully alive, here, now.