Being vulnerable
To be fully honest about your current experience, the emotions, fears, confusions, not weakness.
Nor does it have to be a cry for help, or a need to be fixed. It does not burden the other, rather it enables humanity.
Vulnerability is simply being vulnerable. To show up fully, in the moment.
If you need support, ask for support and be specific. If you need to be held, ask for holding.
To speak to your fears, to expose your heart, to voice shame, creates backbone.
It also gives the other person permission to be vulnerable.
Parents who project a false facade of strength raise children who are incapable of being vulnerable.
We think that children cannot cope. Yet when we are not seeking them to fix, solve or carry the burden, rather simply to know what is there but usually unstated, is to dignify the intelligence of the child.
Photo taken January 22nd 2016