Become the qualities we want to see in the world
First, we must know the qualities we want to see.
For me, they are integrity, respect, stewardship, care, comprehensive consideration, humility, joy, beauty, open-mindedness, vitality, responsibility and love.
I might ask myself am I integrity? Do I care for, love and respect myself?
Do I practice humility? Do I fall to my knees in awe at things greater than me?
Where are my mind and heart, closed? What will it take to wedge it open?
Do I notice and celebrate beauty? Am I capable of seeing my own beauty, even as I age?
Are my health and vitality a focus of my investment?
Do I stand back and consider the whole before acting?
Am I an embodiment of stewardship — of my life, my family, my work, the Earth, the community in which I spend my days?
Do I take responsibility for all in my life — the good and bad — that which I am at effect of and that which I have created — knowing that my capacity to respond and my choice of how I respond is my ultimate power?
Gandhi said we must be the change we want to see. We might start with becoming the qualities we want to see more of. If we do not, then we are hypocrites.
The precessional effect of this action is we get to be the life we desire.
Photo taken September 6th 2022
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