As long as we get lost, we will need guides
I love getting lost. It means my head is bursting with questions and things to discover.
I like the challenge of seeking a solution, following a thread, putting the puzzle together.
We can be lost physically, emotionally, spiritually, morally. We can be lost in our identity — who are we now, on this day?
I also love being a guide to those who are lost. There is a sweet sense of being of use when we help others. I have made a difference.
To guide someone through the valleys of lost is an act of listening to all that is them, and all of them that has been exiled or unseen.
To see what they cannot.
Ideally to see it in a way that is coherent with their being, not ours.
A good guide allows the awe of discovery to be claimed by the lost.
There is so much joy in facilitating this discovery.
Photo Taken October 22nd 2024, Article written October 22nd 2024
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