A tool to change humanity’s relationship with value
Almost every person I know has experienced a debasement of their value by others.
Almost every person I know debases their own value.
We live in a world hell-bent on measuring everything and then costing it, using the almighty dollar as the final arbiter of value.
How much is it worth, we ask?
What is the price?
Is it free? https://syntropic.world/its-free-claiming-our-value-asking-for-our-whole-value-to-be-honoured/
Some of us have attempted to break free from the monoculture of money, yet when we look at the models we have built to do so, they are still carved from the same thinking and structures that enable the monoculture of money to thrive. We continue to animate the same language, like capital, and reflexively put prices on almost everything.
As Buckminster Fuller, my mentor of 35 years, and the inspiration behind Syntropic World, so famously said.
Do not try to change the existing system. Build new models that make the existing system obsolete.
This is what we at Syntropic World are attempting to do. Create new models that make the existing obsolete.
One of those models is how we account for and measure value.
**Yep…we are taking on this broken bastion of human success with eyes wide open.
Our new model is called Synergistic Auditing.
Synergy = the behaviour of the whole cannot be determined by an examination of the parts separately. We must start with the whole. This means that 1 + 1 + 1 could equal one million. When synergy is in play, we are better for working together.
Audit — from au to perceive. To hear, to listen.
I have applied the Synergistic Audit to all my enterprises, projects and initiatives since 2015. It is a game changer and has so many applications we are only now beginning to discover them.
Synergistic Auditing is a tool to change humanity’s relationship with value.
Our value. Others value. The value of our creatures, our future, and the past. The value of the weightless immeasurable. The value of the externalities and the forgotten, like the caring economy.
Value — the intrinsic worth of a thing.
*See my article on rights and responsibilities and intrinsic and intrinsic worth here. https://syntropic.world/considering-the-value-of-everything-rights-and-responsibilities-are-complementary-pairs-how-to-inhabit-the-world-as-a-citizen-of-spaceship-earth/
Unless we do this, I believe we will never end poverty, exploitation, extraction to extinction, colonisation, excessive financial wealth accumulation and celebrating the billionaire as a rock star rather than a representation of a failed system.
I have repeatedly stated that the future I see has a new model, not capitalism, socialism, or any known’ isms. Instead, we will have a new model that doesn’t exist yet, at least not in the human domain.
I suspect Nature has the working model we need already figured out, tried and tested over a few billion years. But, unfortunately, humanity has not reached the place of enough humility to consider Nature our teacher and model maker.
When creating Synergistic Auditing, we looked to Nature for a model, reaching into the Bucky Fuller toolkit of Principles and intuitively applying The Twelve Degrees of Freedom as the structure.
The Twelve Degrees of Freedom is how to stabilise any system. Think of the hub and spokes of the original bicycle wheel. One hub and twelve spokes are required to keep the wheel stable.
The Synergistic Audit has six domains of input and six domains of output. Six positive. Six negative. Or six domains of contribution and six domains naming what we expect in return. Any system requires polarity for existence. A positive and negative charge ensures the structure holds its shape. https://syntropic.world/to-be-in-integrity-we-must-have-polarity-holding-space-in-diversity-and-conflict-in-leadership-and-love/
I have just returned from Bali, where the Synergistic Audit product creation team met to begin the journey of creating supportive software for Synergistic Auditing. It has been so exciting to be immersed in the SA conversation, knowing that we have a world-changing model and tool in our hands.
The applications are so varied.
For example.
At the individual level — a personal development tool to begin owning and honouring our whole value.
At the team level — a tool to build highly connected, cohesive, aligned teams in the shortest possible time. A tool to understand the skills, experience and humanity we have on the team and what is missing and needed. A tool to enable each team member to name what they have the capacity, willingness and desire to bring to the team and what they expect in return, and as such, create cultures of commitment, accountability and responsibility.
At the recruitment level, understanding what is needed or missing is essential — an easy tool to create an invitation to join a team.
At the provisioning level — an audit of what we have and need. The ability to no longer reduce everything we need to a monetary value and to accept other domains of contribution. A comprehensive and Syntropic way to write a pitch deck.
If you want to buy a business or a house — an assessment tool that covers all domains, including the immeasurable ones.
At the enterprise level — an annual report, balance sheet, and P@L equivalent that refuses to bring everything back to a dollar value. This means we can finally honour contributions that have been ignored for centuries. A tool that establishes a clear threshold crossing to become an active participant within the enterprise.
At the product design level — a whole systems tool that ensures we consider everything.
At the partnership level — the opportunity for truthful and emergent conversations on contribution, expectations, enough, exchange and value.
At the investor level, a refusal to have capital takes precedence over all other domains of value, resulting in the reduction of the worth of the things many of us value the most.
Changing our relationship to value is not a weekend workshop. It is a life practice. But, first, we must unhook from the centuries of habitual enculturation of money as the prime judge of value.
I have yet to meet a human who doesn’t long to be seen and valued for their wholeness. I have yet to meet a human who feels their value is fully honoured and recognised in all domains and flavours. And I have yet to see a business and economy that refuses to reduce all measurements to money.
We have a broken system that produces poverty, inequality and the need for charity as a side effect.
No amount of tinkering with the current system will change this. The Pattern Integrity of what we currently use — monetary, fiscal, financial, currency, banking, and capitalism — is baked in to produce exactly the inequity we have. https://syntropic.world/pattern-integrity-and-source-idea-as-sacred/
The Synergetic Auditing tool may be one way to change this.
PS. We have two Synergistic Auditing Workshops scheduled for 2023, the first in late March. If you are interested, you can read more and register here. https://syntropic.world/synergisticaccountingclass/
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Syntropic World is a global education and community of practice applying the organising principles of nature to enterprise design and human coordination. Creating ecologies of trust, ensuring integrity in everything, enabling collective sense making, and organising around a central purpose — how to create a world that works for 100% of humanity without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.
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